piątek, 12 listopada 2010

Puls przed I Wojną Światową

Na rysunkach:
Etui na bilety kolejowe z reklamą mydeł Pulsa, wydane przez  Wagons-Lits na linię transsyberyjską (przed I Wojną Światową)
Celuloidowa reklama mydła Kosmos.
Reprodukcja reklamy prasowej (po 1892 r.)
Ulotka z lat 30. XX wieku, reprodukująca materiał reklamowy z 1868 roku.

Puls brand history before the I WW
1852 the first Puls’ soap manufacture started production
1869 - the factory at Daniłowiczowska 12 street started the soap production (Przemysł Mydlarski i Perfumeryjny Fryderyk Puls). Daniłowiczowska street was before the II World War very cosmetic address, at this street a few companies producing cosmetics were situated, among the others Colgate-Palmolive
1870 - the second Puls’ factory started production at Gęsia 95 street
1892 -  Puls is selling the company and the brand to Klementyna Napros. At Wierzbowa 11 the shop selling Puls brand products was opened. The other shop selling own-label products was opened at the Nowy Świat 41 street
1900 or 1902 - the company was converted into the joint-stock company. The factory receives the name Parowa Fabryka Mydeł Toaletowych, Perfum i Wyrobów Kosmetycznych Towarzystwa Akcyjnego Fryderyk Puls (the Steam Factory of Toilet Soaps, Perfume and Cosmetic Products of the Joint-stock Company of Frederick Puls)
Puls’products ended the French export into Russia getting the leading position on the local market.

On the pictures:
Case for tickets with the advertisement of Puls' soaps,  issued by Wagons-Lits to the trans-Siberian line (before the I WW).
Celluloid advertisement of  Puls' Kosmos soap.
Reproduction of the press advertisement (after 1892).
Leaflet from 30-ties, reproducing an old advert from 1868

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